
Choose Your Work


To create great impact at the end of the year. Just win your day. Take targets in the morning and get all targets done before going to bed. No matter how much targets you’ve done, just try to finish them.

Believe me, it will be very helpful for your growth. Consistency is more important than talent. James Clear says in his book ‘Atomic Habits’, if you improve 1% yourself every day, then at the end of the year, you’ll be 38% better than now.

Say ‘NO’ to almost every task. Most people do all the works, in which 70-80% works are not essential. That’s why they work more, but get less. Unsuccessful people do 80% works which give 20% results. While successful people choose their works first. And then they choose 20% works which give them 80% results.

Work hard but in the right direction and right things.

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