
Beyond Theism and Atheism: Experiencing the Flow of the Universe


Let’s start with theism. A person who believes in God is a theist, while an atheist is someone who denies the existence of God. Theists believe that God does everything, has all powers, and has created the entire world. They practice devotion to God for a better life and positive experiences (such as happiness, satisfaction, and, in many cases, enlightenment).

I am neither an atheist nor a theist. I practice devotion and read religious books, but many theists ask me how someone who is neither a theist nor an atheist can engage in devotion. In my view, devotion and joy are personal experiences; they do not require belief in God. We can be devoted to the Universe (nature), and I call nature “Krishna”. Krishna says, “I am everything and nothing,” and that he has control over everything in the universe. No one has created him.

The question of God’s existence has always been a paradox—no one can prove that God exists, and no one can prove that He does not. This realization leads me to see the universe in two ways at the same time: as Krishna (God) and as just the universe. The universe is both divine and simply what it is. It is the ultimate paradox—everything and nothing, creation and destruction, infinite yet self-contained.

Whether we label ourselves as theist or atheist, devotion is a personal experience. By surrendering to the universe—Krishna—we transcend all boundaries and experience true liberation. As Krishna himself says: “सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज| अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः|| (Bhagavad Gita 18.66)

‘Abandon all varieties of dharma and surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you; do not fear.’

So, surrender yourself to the flow of the Universe, and you will find liberation. Remove resistance (ego, society) and allow it to happen. You will realize that nature has no resistance, and that’s its flow.

(Disclaimer: Here, “universe” refers to everything, including the multiverse and beyond.)

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