What's Wrong with Gen Z?
March 2025 (22 Words, 1 Minutes)
People often say that Gen Z is one of the worst generations ever—they have short attention spans, they are abusive, and they are useless. But we need to understand something: Gen Z didn’t create the tools that shape them—social media, abusive language, and toxic habits. They are trapped in them. And many are struggling with depression because of it.
Let me explain. Have you ever seen flies swarming around light bulbs at night? Do you know why they do that? Flies navigate using the moon, but now, with artificial lights everywhere, their brains can’t distinguish between bulbs and the moon. They are trapped by something they were never designed to handle.
Similarly, Gen Z is trapped by social media, the internet, drinking, and abuse. Their minds weren’t prepared to handle the psychological traps of Instagram, YouTube, and other digital distractions.
What’s worse is that many use these very things to escape mental health struggles—but instead of finding solutions, they fall deeper into the cycle: Depression → Escape (social media, drugs) → Feeling worse → More escape.
I’m Gen Z too, and I believe that instead of blaming us and calling us the worst generation, what we truly need is love and guidance.
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