
My 17th Birthday


Finally, I am 17 years old. I learned a lot at the age of 17 till now and will learn in future also, met many people. And got a new way of looking at the world. It is true that I learned much more in the last 1 year (16-17) than I did not learn in 16 (1-16) years. I met many good friends, who helped me a lot, taught and learned a lot and also met such people with whom I shared my knowledge and experience till now. I also got to learn a lot from the internet. If seen, the internet can be a best friend. Trust me, the internet is full of knowledge and books. Internet is a world of knowledge. Provided you should know how to use. Now I am 17 years old.

Now I have to make a new rule of living. And I will try my best not to waste time on unnecessary things. Now I have to go towards my best version, with a new thought, an idea and full strength. Nothing can be achieved by sitting in such silence. Thank you so much to “universe” for a wonderful life so far. thanks universe thanks god I have no excuse for life. Now I am moving towards my goal.

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